Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus & Arzachel
X marks the spot
Copernicus Crater
Mare Humorum and Gassendi
Schiller and Hainzel Craters
Sinus Iridum
Copernicus and Vallis Schroteri
A composite of 56 images to create the image of the moon 10" Meade LX600 F8
Libration of the Moon exposes Mare Orientale
Mare Oriental
The Moon's libration made visible
First quarter Moon
Apollo 11 Landin g Site
At Moonrise the Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse
At Moonrise the Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse
The Earths shadow line as it progresses
At Moonrise the Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse nearing totality
The Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse star TYC 6182-0482-1 appearing lunar NW
Moon nearing full 46 images combined
Schroter's Valley up close